Each day the thoughts that go through our mind are immense. What we do with those thoughts is how we live our life and live each day. Do you criticize everything? Do you complain? Do you praise others? Do you think of the blessings in each moment?
I also believed that where your attention goes your energy flows. So think about how Gratitude can come into play. If you put your attention on everything you are grateful for, you will feel grateful and most likely more happy and content. If you put your attention on complaining or criticizing, you will feel unhappy and not content.
I think the simplest way to bring more Gratitude into your day is to start a Gratitude journey or notes on your phone. Write down 3-5 parts of the day you are grateful for. Reflect on those things and pour energy and attention into those things each day. You should notice them more.
I also challenge you to find gratitude in part of one thing that isn't your favorite thing to do each day. You may find a new love or appreciation for that activity. Maybe you will even create a new way of thinking about the activity or doing it so that it brings you joy and happiness.
Try this for a week, two weeks, a month, 6 months. Tell me how it has impacted your thinking?