Washing your face might seem like a simple task, but are you doing it properly?
I recently had a discussion about how to wash your face. A friend said you first rinse with warm water, apply face wash, and then remove with cold water. I thought to myself hmmm . . . is that really the right way, and have I been doing it wrong?
NO! Although, some believe that you need warm water to open your pores and cold to then close your pores, that isn’t the case since pores are not surrounded by muscles. Phew!
The reality is, you should wash your face with warm water not steam, hot water, or cold water. The good news is that your pores may also look smaller! Sebum can build up in pores, and using warm water can loosen the sebum inside pores. Removal of sebum can help your pores appear smaller.
Now I love a hot shower, but realize my skin doesn’t always like the water too hot! So my current advice for anyone who has a hard time following a skincare routine is to remember they can wash their face while in the shower. This advice seems to still be valid, just make sure you turn the heat down a bit if you love hot showers!